Horizon Français French lessons

Comprehensive French Support

With our thorough support, you'll be able to communicate, understand, and express your needs in French effortlessly. All you need to do is follow the teacher's instructions and engage in conversations in French. By doing so, you'll not only gain language skills but also confidence in speaking French.


Practical French : Enhancing Conversational Skills

You'll acquire practical French language skills that you can seamlessly apply to everyday conversations. Through immersive learning, you'll gain the confidence to communicate effectively in various situations. One of the key aspects of this course is the emphasis on real-life application.
As you progress, you'll have the opportunity to engage in conversations with your peers. A popular topic for discussion is describing how you spend your free time. By actively participating in these discussions, you'll not only reinforce your learning but also enhance your ability to express yourself fluently.


Full Support for Your French Language Journey

During the lessons you'll engage in interactive activities and dynamic discussions. These exercises are designed not only to enhance your language skills but also to boost your confidence in using French in everyday conversations.
But our support doesn't end there. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your French language goals beyond the classroom.
Our follow-up assistance is geared towards empowering you to continue your learning journey outside of lessons. We provide resources, tips, and ongoing guidance to ensure that your progress is not only sustained but also steadily improved.


Mastering Effective Study Methods

Are you tired of spending endless hours studying without seeing significant results? We understand that your time is precious, and that's why we focus on teaching you highly efficient study methods that will optimize your learning experience. In our sessions, you will discover techniques that not only enhance your understanding during class but also empower you to continue your studies efficiently outside of class hours. By learning these proven methods, you'll waste less time and achieve more meaningful progress in your studies.

Moreover, our course goes beyond conventional classroom teachings. We delve into personalized study plans, time management skills, and resources that cater to your specific learning needs. By the end of this program, you will not only save valuable study time but also excel in your understanding of the subject matter.


Building Confidence in Speaking French: Overcoming Challenges with Ease

Speaking a new language can be challenging, especially when you encounter difficult points. However, it's essential to remember that stumbling blocks are just stepping stones in your language learning journey. In our program, we focus on empowering you to navigate these challenges with confidence and poise.
When you encounter a difficult point, don't get stuck. Our expert instructors are here to guide you through these hurdles. We provide a supportive environment where you can ask questions, seek clarification, and practice until you feel comfortable. With patient guidance and tailored exercises, we help you overcome linguistic obstacles, ensuring that you continue to progress. Moreover, our program is designed to boost your confidence steadily. Through immersive conversations, role-playing, and interactive activities, you will practice speaking French in various contexts. We create a safe space for you to experiment with the language, make mistakes, and learn from them. This process not only enhances your speaking skills but also instills a sense of confidence in your abilities.

Laurent Fontaine
Horizon Français Founder

Teaching French in Tokyo: A Journey of Discovery and Understanding

Since 2008, I have had the privilege of teaching French in the vibrant city of Tokyo, where I've had the opportunity to meet an incredibly diverse range of students.

From individuals of all ages, professions, and personalities, I've noticed that each student comes to my class with a unique purpose for learning French.

  • Some seek to embrace a new hobby
  • While others prepare for a trip to France
  • Or aim to communicate with their partner's family
  • There are those aspiring to work in a French-speaking country
  • Others hoping to activate their brains
  • And some desiring to break free from their daily routine
  • Converse with colleagues and friends whose native language is French
  • Do work related to France
  • Reminds them of the French I learned earlier

And so on...

People often ask me, "Why do your students study French?"

To which I reply that learning a language is not just an activity; it's a rich and rewarding hobby. It opens doors to different ways of expressing oneself and understanding the world. Mastering a language is, in my opinion, the most reliable way to deeply comprehend a country and its people. It goes beyond superficialities, allowing you to truly connect with the culture. I believe that being fluent in a foreign language satisfies intellectual curiosity, especially when it's a language vastly different from one's native tongue. As a French teacher, I don't just impart knowledge; I approach teaching as a fellow learner, eager to guide my students in their journey of mastering French. I often reflect on a world where everyone spoke languages beyond their native tongue. Such a scenario could foster a profound global understanding among people. I understand that learning a language can be daunting. There are countless methods available, and finding the right one for you takes time and effort. Language learning, much like going to the gym, requires guidance. A trainer makes a significant difference, helping you achieve more than you thought possible. Yet, even with the best trainer, it's the student's confidence that truly propels the learning journey forward. I aspire to be more than just a teacher; I aim to be a guide, offering my experience and knowledge to keep you motivated, save you time, and make your language learning journey as enriching as possible. My goal is to provide you with the benefit of not just learning a language, but truly embracing and understanding it. Let's embark on this linguistic adventure together.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us

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