
16 French expressions for telling episodes that will keep people listening




Four situations to express your impressions of an experience in French




The aim is to enable you to speak more naturally, With greater fluency.

In this article, we'll look at how to talk positively and negatively about a film, video or program you've seen or heard. Then we'll do the same with something you've personally experienced.

フランス語試験DELF A1のリーディング練習のための例文5つ

5 example texts for reading practice for the French exam DELF A1


DELFは、リスニング、リーディング、スピーキング、ライティングの4つのスキルをテストする包括的な試験です。初級レベルのDELF A1に合格するためには、特定のフランス語スキルが求められます。



Read French with detective novels (4 chapters + newspaper article)

Are you passionate about learning French or simply keen on honing your language skills? Searching for captivating yet easily digestible reading material to keep your interest alive? Delighted by the wealth of French content available online, you might have attempted to dive into some pieces, only to find that they don't quite meet your expectations. Perhaps they prove too simplistic or excessively intricate, or maybe they just lack that essential element of intrigue that keeps you hooked.

Fear not, for in this article, I present to you a gripping detective novel set amidst the bustling streets of Lyon, a vibrant city in France. What sets this story apart? It's not just any novel; it's a concise tale tailored for your ease of reading. The plot unfolds over four concise chapters, where the initial three chapters delve into a thrilling investigation, leading seamlessly to the fourth chapter centered around the suspect's trial. But that's not all – the article culminates in a fictional newspaper piece neatly summarizing the entire case.

The narrative adopts the format of a novel, with a deliberate focus on simplicity. Eschewing complex descriptions, obscure grammar, and intricate conjugations, the story is crafted for effortless comprehension. Despite its brevity, it incorporates quintessential novelistic elements, allowing you to acclimate yourself to the nuances of the language with minimal effort.

Reading in French isn't just an enjoyable pastime; it's a highly effective method to refine your language skills, expand your vocabulary, and grasp the contextual usage of words. By immersing yourself in this story, you'll discover a newfound pleasure in learning French, mitigating the challenges often associated with reading in a foreign language.

Feel free to explore the article at your own pace – read chapter by chapter, or even section by section. If you encounter unfamiliar expressions, I recommend diving into the Japanese translation for clarity. Within these pages, you'll encounter common phrases rarely found in conventional French textbooks or courses, enriching your language proficiency.

Remember, the key is to grasp the story in its entirety and relish the experience of reading in French. Enhance your journey further by listening to the accompanying audio podcast before, after, or during your reading sessions.

Bienvenue, and happy reading!


Mastering Nuanced Conversations: 5 Essential French Expressions

The beauty of the French language lies in its ability to convey subtle nuances and differences in thought. When it comes to describing a situation or tackling a complex question, there are specific expressions that capture these nuances with elegance and precision. In this article, we'll introduce you to 5 French expressions that do just that, allowing you to navigate conversations in a sophisticated manner.

These expressions not only help you express your opinions and arguments in a refined way but also enable you to avoid being overly direct in your communication, which is a valued trait in French conversations.

While it's true that French people are often considered outspoken when compared to other cultures, it's important to note that there are still sensitive topics in France, as in any other country. In such situations, it's wise to approach conversations with care, adding a touch of nuance to your thoughts.

However, striking the right balance is crucial. Going too far with nuance might lead to you appearing indecisive or lacking opinions, which is not typically appreciated in French communication. Finding that delicate equilibrium is key to mastering the art of conversation in French culture.


How to use AI to improve your French vocabulary

前回の記事では、AIであるChat GPT (Open AI)とBard (Google)ツールを使ってフランス語を修正する方法を見ました。
Chat GPT (Open AI)とBard (Google)はフランス語の勉強を助け、時間を節約してくれる、とても便利なツールです。

However, these tools are not yet mature enough to perfectly accommodate your level.



Now let's see how you can use AI as an intelligent dictionary and creator of texts of interest to you.

At the end of this article, you will find a collection of tips to apply to your requests.