And studying support


You need a comfortable learning environment to improve your French conversation skills.

With long experienced teacher and a clean learning environment, You'll be able to put your French knowledge to use.

Even though we have a proper method,
There is plenty of room for learners to have fun and improve.

French teaching

French classes: Master the language, flexibly.

You can speak naturally in class

Introducing new themes and knowledge

Discover the Joy of Speaking French !

Imagine learning French in a way that feels natural and exciting. Our classes are designed to make your learning journey fun and effortless. We cover everything from basic grammar and vocabulary to interesting French expressions.

Your teacher start with easy phrases, ensuring you understand every step of the way. Ever wondered why certain topics catch your interest? We focus on those, making learning relatable and enjoyable.

You won't just memorize phrases; you'll truly understand them. We help you grasp the essence of new words and grammar, making your French conversations smooth and confident.

Get ready to speak French naturally, with confidence and ease. Your journey to fluent French starts here !

Engage in Diverse Conversational Activities!

Once you've grasped new grammar and vocabulary, it's time to dive into practical exercises. We believe in learning through practice, so get ready for a variety of engaging activities designed to reinforce your skills.

To ensure your newfound knowledge sticks, you'll practice these elements repeatedly, immersing yourself in different scenarios. Picture this: you'll use the French you've learned in real conversations. Whether it's discussing everyday topics, sharing stories, or expressing your thoughts, you'll apply your language skills in meaningful ways.

But here's the best part: it's not just any conversation. Our guided practice sessions ensure you receive expert support. Your teacher will be right there with you, offering guidance and correcting your speech. It's a safe space to learn, grow, and refine your French speaking abilities.

Explore Your Passions Through Conversation!

Imagine a classroom where your interests guide your learning journey. In our lessons, we believe in harnessing your enthusiasm. After mastering new grammar, words, and expressions, it's your time to shine.

During our interactive sessions, your teacher will introduce exciting conversation themes. These topics could be anything from real-life situations to engaging debates or imaginative role plays.

The best part? These themes are carefully curated to align with the grammar, vocabulary, and expressions you've learned, ensuring you put your knowledge into immediate practice.

But here's the twist: the conversation topics are as diverse as your interests. Whether you're discussing something as commonplace as your favorite hobbies or something as outlandish as space travel, the floor is yours.

We encourage free-flowing discussions, allowing you to express yourself without constraints.

Have a burning question? Need a little guidance? Don't worry; your teacher is here to support you. Feel free to ask for help, and your teacher will provide constructive corrections, guiding you toward improvement.

What you get from that teaching method
  • You will be able to speak to the maximum
  • While developing topics of interest to you,
    Gain new knowledge of the French language.
  • Review what you have learned before with fun exercises.

Tailored Lessons for Every Learner

Smaller groups with a maximum of 4 students

In our online French language school, we understand the importance of personalized learning experiences. That's why we keep our class sizes small, with a maximum of four students per group. We've found that this size strikes the perfect balance, ensuring an interactive and engaging atmosphere for our learners.

Traditionally, some people assume that group lessons mean limited speaking time. We've shattered that misconception. Unlike situations where one person dominates the conversation or where the teacher simply points to each student, our approach is dynamic and inclusive.

Picture this: our teacher facilitates discussions that involve all students. We create an environment where you not only learn from the teacher but also engage in meaningful conversations with your fellow learners. We encourage active participation, allowing you to practice speaking with one another. Additionally, our teacher seamlessly integrates into the conversation, ensuring everyone has a chance to speak and contribute.

Engage in Conversations that Matter to You!

In our classes, your teacher focuses on topics that resonate with you. Yes, you will learn essential grammar and vocabulary tailored to your proficiency level, but the heart of our lessons lies in your interests. Why? Because discussing familiar topics sparks creativity and confidence.

Picture this: instead of following a rigid curriculum, you're diving into conversations that excite you. Whether you're passionate about travel, art, technology, or any other topic under the sun, we're here to explore it with you. Your teacher will guide discussions, ensuring you express yourself effortlessly.

Learn at Your Own Comfortable Pace !

We understand that every learner is unique, and progress can't be measured with a one-size-fits-all approach.

Here's how we do it: we tailor our teaching speed to match the average learning pace of the group. If a concept is easy to grasp, we won't rush through it. You'll have the chance to fully understand and internalize the lesson before moving forward. On the flip side, if you require more time to consolidate your knowledge, we slow down. Your understanding and comfort come first.

Remember, this is your learning journey. We encourage you to speak up and ask for help whenever needed. If you find that the pace isn't suitable for you, don't hesitate to let us know.

What you get from that teaching method
  • You will have time to talk about what interests you.
  • A small group environment that is comfortable and enjoyable.

Lessons to improve learners' conversation skills

Simplified Learning for Better Understanding !

Start with the easiest part to understand and gradually increase the difficulty

Our approach is simple: we begin with the easiest concepts, laying a strong foundation for your understanding. Imagine it as building a sturdy house – we start with a solid base.
This step-by-step method ensures that you grasp each concept before moving on to the next, creating a seamless learning journey.

Why do we do this? Because we understand the frustration of tackling something too difficult right from the start. It's like trying to run before you've learned to walk – uncomfortable and confusing.
By starting easy and gradually increasing the complexity, we prevent this discomfort. You'll feel confident and motivated, ready to take on more challenging aspects of the language.

Streamlined Learning, Maximum Conversations !

Ever been bombarded with unnecessary paperwork in class? We get it, and we keep things refreshingly simple. Our focus is on meaningful conversations, not drowning you in piles of French materials.

While occasional documents can be helpful, we believe that a teacher's skill shines in the ability to create engaging lessons without overwhelming you with paperwork. Some teachers might rely on excessive materials, but not us. We prioritize lively, interactive discussions over unnecessary handouts.

nstead of drowning you in worksheets, we integrate new grammar and vocabulary seamlessly into our conversation topics.

What you get with that method
  • A comfortable learning environment
  • You feel you make more successes than you make mistakes in French and you feel you are making progress!

Master French Fluency Through Engaging Practice !

Review while learning new grammar and vocabulary

Ever wondered why it's hard to retain what you've learned? Lack of opportunities to use your French knowledge might be the culprit. You might worry that without speaking with native French speakers, you'll forget everything you've learned. But fear not, there's a solution !

Picture this: in our lessons, you not only learn new grammar and vocabulary, but you also practice using them in conversations. When you learn a new French expression, you immediately incorporate it into your speech. Regularly using these words in real conversations, guided by your teacher, ensures they stick in your memory.

Here's the secret: our approach keeps you engaged. No boring drills or repetitive exercises. Instead, you'll review and apply what you've learned through lively, interactive conversations. You might not speak perfectly, but you'll speak fluently. It's about building confidence and fluency, one conversation at a time.

Even without constant exposure to native speakers, you can maintain and improve your French skills. Our method ensures you not only learn but also retain what you learn, making your language journey enjoyable and effective.

So, say goodbye to worries about forgetting what you've learned. Embrace the chance to practice and converse, and watch your French fluency soar, even without speaking with native speakers regularly. Your language skills are in good hands !

Diverse and Engaging French Language Exercises !

Learning French should be exciting, not monotonous. While our lessons maintain a consistent structure for easy comprehension, we understand the importance of keeping things fresh and engaging. That's why we spice up our classes with a variety of interactive exercises, ensuring every session is a delightful learning experience.

Imagine this : you actively participate in diverse conversational exercises. These exercises are designed to challenge and stimulate your language skills, keeping you on your toes and eager to participate.

Our goal is to create an environment where learning is not just effective but also fun. Through these interactive activities, you'll find yourself deeply engaged, making new friends, and gaining confidence in your French abilities. It's not just about mastering the language; it's about enjoying the process.

What you get with that method
  • The French you learn will stick better.
  • You will enjoy the variety in each lesson and continue to learn French.

French lesson materials

Acquire French knowledge

Learn French Without the Hassle of Textbooks !

Avoid incomprehensible content

There are plenty of textbooks and resources available.

The problem is that it is not always easy to find the right material for your level.

In our lessons, we steer clear of complex textbooks and incomprehensible content. Instead, we believe in a personalized and simplified learning experience tailored just for you. We understand that standard French books, especially those in foreign bookstores, might not cater to your needs. The confusion caused by katakana adaptations and the overwhelming social issues discussed in some textbooks can hinder your learning journey.

Our solution? We create custom content specifically designed for your level and interests. No confusing katakana adaptations, no overwhelming social issues – just straightforward, easy-to-understand material. We focus on what matters: supporting your French learning journey in a way that makes sense to you.

Moreover, we don't just stop at the end of the lesson. We provide you with a detailed content report, summarizing what we covered. This way, you can review and reinforce your learning at your own pace.

Our mission is to support you beyond the confines of a traditional textbook. We want to be your partners in learning, offering a tailored, hassle-free, and enjoyable French learning experience. Say goodbye to the confusion of textbooks and hello to a simplified, personalized learning journey !

Tailored Learning, No One-Size-Fits-All Approach!

We understand that one size doesn't fit all when it comes to learning materials. School-made textbooks, although structured, might lack the engaging content necessary to captivate every student. That's why we avoid overwhelming you with a myriad of diverse and disjointed sheets and materials.

Instead, we focus on providing you with carefully curated, uniform, and relevant learning resources. Quality over quantity is our mantra. We believe that materials tailored to your interests and needs are the key to effective learning. These materials are thoughtfully designed, ensuring they are easy to understand and review.

While we avoid unnecessary clutter, we do value the power of engaging videos and materials that align with your interests. When these resources are suitable and captivating, we incorporate them into our lessons with careful consideration. After all, learning becomes infinitely more enjoyable when it resonates with your passions.

Gentle Listening Practice

We get it ; French listening practice can sometimes feel like a daunting task. Understanding movies, videos, radio, and podcasts can be overwhelming, especially when the audio is too fast or complex. Textbook audio might not be any easier, often surprising students with its difficulty level.

But here's the good news: in our lessons, you won't be left struggling. We prioritize your comfort and confidence. Face-to-face conversations form the foundation of our approach. We believe that understanding the spoken language in real-life dialogues is crucial. After all, what good is learning French if you can't comprehend a conversation ?

Our focus is clear: we start by helping you understand everyday conversations. It's not about pushing you into the deep end; it's about building your confidence step by step.

We want you to feel comfortable hearing and understanding what others are saying. Communication is key, and that's our priority.

But don't worry, we won't leave your listening skills unattended. We recognize the importance of improving your listening comprehension. As part of your homework, we provide targeted audio exercises designed to enhance your ability to understand spoken French. These exercises are personalized to your level, ensuring they're challenging yet manageable.

In our lessons, you'll receive concise summaries of what you've learned. No textbooks, no unnecessary complexity – just a focus on effective communication and language understanding. We respect your time, aiming to make your learning experience practical, enjoyable, and, above all, useful. Your French journey starts here, without the unnecessary stress.

What you will get from lessons without a textbook
  • You will receive a clear summary of the lesson in your mailbox.
  • You will be able to concentrate on your communication and learn to speak French in the lesson.
  • So we don't waste your valuable time.

List of grammar, words and expressions based on DELF level

Class levels

Based on the DELF levels

Basic beginner : A1.1
Beginner : A1.2
Beginner-Intermediate : A2.1, A2.2
Intermediate : B1.1, B1.2
Advanced : B2.1, B2.2
Advanced + : C1

Each DELF level is further divided into two levels.

We assess your proficiency and recommend the appropriate level for you, ensuring a customized learning experience. Join us, and let's embark on your French language journey together, tailored to your abilities and aspirations.

Personalized Lessons Tailored to Your Level and Progression

In our classes, your teacher selects specific grammar rules, vocabulary, and expressions from a curated list tailored to your level. These elements are introduced gradually, allowing you to build your language skills step by step.

Each lesson focuses on a specific topic, weaving in the essential language components, enhancing your proficiency as you progress through the French language skill levels.

This gradual approach ensures a solid foundation, setting the stage for your success in the DELF exam at the end of your level.

What the student will gain from the teaching method
  • You can check your French level at any time.
  • Avoiding texts that are difficult to understand.
  • You will improve while learning useful skills in French lessons.

DELF detailed levels

  • I can understand and use simple speech that meets the minimum necessary requirements and familiar everyday expressions.
  • I can introduce myself and other people.
  • I can ask questions about others in conversation and answer questions about myself.
  • I can communicate easily with the assistance of a conversational partner, such as by asking him / her to speak clearly and slowly.
  • I can understand stand-alone phrases and expressions commonly used within the scope of daily life (e.g., those related to personal information, family, shopping, work, etc.).
  • I can communicate in situations where simple and direct exchange of information about familiar content is sufficient.
  • I can briefly describe his/her educational background and surroundings, and can discuss topics related to my daily life.
  • I can understand the main points of conversations if the language used is common and easy to understand, and if the content is familiar, such as work, school, hobbies, etc.
  • I can handle most situations on my own when traveling in areas where French is spoken.
  • I can make simple, coherent statements on topics of interest or familiar to me.
  • I can talk about events, experiences, and dreams. I can explain what he/she wants to do and what his/her objectives are. I can briefly explain the motivation for plans and initiatives that I have made.
  • I understand the gist of specific, abstract, or complex texts, including specialized topics in one's own field.
  • I communicate naturally and comfortably with native speakers.
  • I can express one's thoughts clearly and in detail on a wide range of topics. Express opinions on current topics such as news and present the advantages and disadvantages of various possibilities.
  • I am able to understand long and complex sentences and to grasp the meaning of what is said and what is not said.
  • I can speak naturally, fluently, and without much hesitation.
  • I use language effectively and flexibly at work, school, and in other social situations.
  • I express opinions on complex topics clearly and logically. Also, shows a good command of language manipulation, such as conjunctions, grammatical combinations, and speech organization.
  • I Can comprehend without difficulty all that I read or hear.
  • I can communicate events from information seen and heard in a variety of media, summarizing them in a coherent manner.
  • I can express thoughts naturally, very fluently, and accurately. I can clearly distinguish between the meaning of complex topics.

Learning advices

Easy Access to Information and Support !

You can ask about any part of the lesson that you are interested in.

1. Reach Out Anytime: Feel free to ask questions about any part of the lesson, no matter how big or small. We encourage you to seek clarification whenever something isn't clear to you.

2. Email Queries: If you have a question that arises after the lesson, you can easily send us an email. Whether it's about a specific grammar rule, vocabulary word, or a topic discussed in class, our team is here to assist you.
3. Privacy Concerns: For questions related to your privacy or personal matters, we'll ensure your confidentiality. Our response will be sent directly to your email to maintain your privacy.
4. Weekly Q&A Videos: If your question pertains to the lesson content, don't worry; you won't be alone. The teacher will collect students' questions and address them in a weekly video. This way, everyone benefits from the shared knowledge. The explanations will be in French, providing valuable learning content for all students.
5. Interactive Discussions: You're encouraged to engage further by commenting on the posted videos. Sharing thoughts, insights, and questions fosters a sense of community and enhances the learning experience for everyone.

Exploring French Language: Your Queries Answered !

Curiosity is the key to learning, and we welcome your inquiries about the French language! Whether you need help with a specific phrase, expression, or pronunciation, don't hesitate to reach out. Here's how you can gather information and refine your language skills :

1. Pronunciation and Reading Feedback: To refine your pronunciation and reading skills, record yourself and send us the audio. We'll provide constructive feedback to help you improve. Your efforts in practicing pronunciation and reading are commendable, and our guidance will enhance your spoken and written French.

2. Unlimited Requests (with Consideration): We believe in encouraging your learning journey, so there's no limit to the number of requests you can make. However, to ensure fair support for all students, we might need to limit requests if there's an unusually high volume from one student. Rest assured, this is to maintain a balanced learning environment for everyone.

Efficient Learning: Tailored Material and Streamlined Homework Process

Sending homework after the lesson

1 Homework Assignments: Following the lesson, we'll send you targeted homework assignments via email. These assignments are carefully crafted to reinforce what you've learned in class, allowing you to practice and solidify your knowledge at your own pace.
2 Timely Corrections: Once you complete your homework, simply send it back to us. We understand the importance of feedback, so we ensure prompt corrections. Within a week, you'll receive detailed feedback on your assignments, highlighting your strengths and addressing areas for improvement.

By handling homework corrections separately, we guarantee that your 50-minute lesson is utilized for active learning and engaging discussions. You won't spend precious lesson time going over corrections, allowing you to focus on building your conversational skills and mastering new concepts.

Enhancing Your French Listening Skills: Supplementary Materials for Comprehensive Learning

While we recognize the importance of focusing on conversational skills during lessons, we also understand the significance of honing your listening comprehension abilities.

Strengthening your listening skills not only enriches your overall language proficiency but also opens doors to enjoying French movies, videos, radio, podcasts, and more.
To support your well-rounded language development, we occasionally provide supplementary audio materials along with your homework assignments.
By incorporating these audio materials into your learning routine, you'll not only enhance your understanding of spoken French but also prepare yourself for real-world conversations and standardized exams like DELF.

Embracing diverse listening experiences will enrich your language journey, making you a more confident and capable French speaker.

Diverse and Engaging French Reading Materials for Your Improvement !

1. Customized Reading Materials: We select French reading materials tailored to your proficiency level. These materials are specifically chosen to match your abilities, ensuring they are neither too easy nor too challenging. Customization is the key to making your reading experience both enjoyable and beneficial.
2. Variety and Engagement: We strive to keep your reading experience exciting and diverse. Our selections encompass a wide range of topics, from literature and history to current events and culture. By offering variety, we aim to capture your interest and keep you motivated to read and learn more.

3. Integrated Learning: Your reading materials are integrated into your homework assignments, providing you with opportunities to apply what you've learned in the lesson. Whether it's practicing vocabulary, sentence structure, or comprehension, your reading exercises are designed to reinforce your language skills.
4. Personalized Recommendations: In addition to assigned readings, we offer personalized reading recommendations based on your interests. Whether you're into mystery novels, travel blogs, or scientific articles, we guide you to resources that align with your passions, making your reading experience both educational and enjoyable.

What you get with that kind of support
  • Optimize your study time.
  • You will also be assisted in self-study.
  • Apart from conversation, you will improve your reading and listening comprehension.

To conclude

In today's world, it's entirely possible to learn French independently. There is a wealth of information available on the Internet regarding the French language. Additionally, numerous resources and materials for learning French are readily accessible. Both online and in-person French language services are widely available as well.

The challenge lies in determining the best materials, applications, and schools suited for your needs. There is no magical formula for mastering French. Our objective is to simplify your learning process. Here's how we achieve it :

We provide you with a method for mastering French conversation. Your teacher will offer guidance and encouragement as needed.

We also offer occasional gentle supervision to ensure your progress.

We support your journey towards your goals through lessons and assistance:

  • Embrace the joy of discovering something new !
  • Enhance your communication skills with native French speakers.
  • Delight in traveling in French-speaking countries.
  • Immerse yourself in another culture and way of thinking.
  • Experience life in a French-speaking country, and much more.

And so on.

When you embark on learning a foreign language, your initial motivation is often high but tends to wane over time. It requires dedication to persist. Daily life can become hectic and draining, leading us to opt for activities like watching TV or engaging in social media, which demand minimal energy.

However, when you pursue activities that genuinely interest you, such as exploring topics you're passionate about, using effective learning methods, and studying with a supportive teacher, you can sustain your motivation.

This sustained motivation can turn your dreams into reality.